1.   Cuban officials argue that their country supported these athletes, nurtured their skills, then saw them lured off by richer lands as soon as possible.

2.   Nurture sharing skills?

3.   You can nurture these skills in your child from the beginning.

4.   Some may balk at the idea of nurturing entrepreneurial skills, but it is a worthy move.

5.   The sultan has of late given more emphasis to diversifying the petroleum-based economy and nurturing skills among the predominantly ethnic Malay population.

v. + skill >>共 469
have 9.25%
develop 6.55%
learn 6.37%
hone 6.11%
teach 3.92%
use 3.64%
improve 3.57%
acquire 2.54%
require 2.54%
lack 2.51%
nurture 0.16%
nurture + n. >>共 278
child 4.59%
talent 4.41%
career 2.65%
dream 2.29%
relationship 2.12%
tie 1.94%
love 1.59%
hope 1.59%
writer 1.59%
company 1.41%
skill 0.88%
每页显示:    共 5