1.   Although certified nurse midwives can authorize pain medication, they cannot perform Caesarean sections or use forceps.

2.   Barbara K. Hackley, a nurse midwife at the Yale School of Nursing, recently reviewed the safety of immunizations during pregnancy in The Journal of Nurse-Midwifery.

3.   Both women are nurse midwives.

4.   But in some states, including New York, an unlicensed midwife is not allowed to deliver a baby without a physician or licensed nurse midwife present.

5.   Green is a certified nurse midwife by trade and a gardener by hobby.

6.   Nurse midwives differ from physicians in that they usually will coach a woman throughout her entire labor.

7.   Nursing school administrators say new nurse midwives, nurse practitioners, clinical specialists and nurse anesthetists receive an average of seven job offers.

8.   People such as Maude Cullen, a nurse midwife in the backwoods of South Carolina, and Albert Schweitzer in Africa.

9.   Several studies have shown that hospitals staffed with certified nurse midwives, who approach birth as a natural process, have lower rates of Caesarean section.

10.   The conflict arises as research shows that certified nurse midwives can deliver high quality obstetrical care at a substantially lower cost than physicians.

n. + midwife >>共 8
nurse 41.67%
village 20.83%
community 8.33%
direct-entry 8.33%
evening 8.33%
elephant 4.17%
granny 4.17%
year 4.17%
nurse + n. >>共 110
hostage 12.45%
anesthetist 8.84%
manager 5.62%
aide 4.02%
midwife 4.02%
shark 4.02%
assistant 3.21%
education 2.41%
union 2.41%
association 2.01%
每页显示:    共 10