1.   Liaison with the department of nurse education and clinical nurse managers should provide a source of clinical material.

2.   These were often displaced nurse managers who no longer had line management responsibilities at district level.

3.   One outcome was the appointment of directors of quality assurance, largely from the ranks of displaced nurse managers.

4.   The event gives nurse managers, qualified nurses, midwives and health visitors chance to present their achievements.

5.   At the GBV center, a nurse care manager meets with the patient to explain the disease and the importance and duration of treatment.

6.   A nurse case manager named Susan Barred told Ms. Morganti the company would not pay for the proposed treatment.

7.   Brigham nurse manager Paula Cronin said some deliveries are becoming so packed, hospital officials are now considering limitations as a means of crowd control.

8.   But many nurse managers and educators pay dues to the organization, she said, because they share its goals.

n. + manager >>共 548
fund 13.63%
money 10.86%
portfolio 3.75%
campaign 3.31%
team 3.23%
project 2.06%
store 2.06%
business 1.80%
branch 1.33%
hotel 1.31%
nurse 0.10%
nurse + n. >>共 110
hostage 12.45%
anesthetist 8.84%
manager 5.62%
aide 4.02%
midwife 4.02%
shark 4.02%
assistant 3.21%
education 2.41%
union 2.41%
association 2.01%
每页显示:    共 14