1.   As a practical matter, nurses often call doctors or pharmacists to check an unusual order, according to nursing managers at other Boston-area hospitals.

2.   A nurse called him inside, ahead of all the others.

3.   A hospital nurse called Statline in Denver, Colo., the national organization used locally to screen potential donors.

4.   A nurse called the Safe Return number.

5.   But the nurses called the one-day work stoppage a painful necessity to make their case to the public and to Kaiser managers.

6.   But twice during the next week, when the other nurse called in sick, patients of Williams died.

7.   Instead, a nurse calls them a week or so before surgery to answer questions and screen for any unusual problems.

8.   J.D., whom one seasoned nurse calls Bambi, is like most fresh-faced interns.

9.   Nurse called and will check me.

10.   Several nurses called this a stalling tactic, saying that during negotiations the union repeatedly made new oral offers over the bargaining table.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
official 4.02%
group 3.10%
leader 3.06%
government 2.06%
people 1.96%
agreement 1.74%
critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
party 1.04%
nurse 0.07%
nurse + v. >>共 459
be 10.02%
say 7.19%
have 2.97%
come 2.64%
tell 2.11%
give 2.04%
take 1.91%
go 1.38%
ask 1.32%
find 1.12%
call 1.05%
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