1.   The number does not vary when comparing intelligence, mental health, or level of daily activIty.

2.   They say their selection policies are robust -- though the numbers can vary.

3.   Although numbers vary, the tissue flap technique accounts for almost half of breast reconstructions nationwide.

4.   And, while the actual numbers may vary for other kinds of businesses, they may be close enough to merit trying new approaches to neighborhood marketing.

5.   Automakers and safety officials are reluctant to give specific guidelines, saying the numbers vary depending on the car model.

6.   Because each company has different ways of categorizing and counting transactions, the numbers vary from report to report.

7.   But the numbers varied based on factors like income, sex and, above all, age.

8.   If the numbers vary, the investor can try different fund combinations until the goal is met.

9.   Mostly, though, it comes down to the coils in the innerspring mattress, the number of which varies by sleep system.

10.   No one knows how much panhandlers make on average nationally, but researcher Culhane said he suspects the numbers vary widely by skill, location and other factors.

n. + vary >>共 929
price 6.22%
rate 3.25%
opinion 2.15%
estimate 1.96%
cost 1.84%
result 1.75%
time 1.59%
number 1.53%
rule 1.47%
fee 1.47%
number + v. >>共 549
be 38.81%
grow 2.06%
have 1.96%
increase 1.59%
come 1.52%
say 1.46%
rise 1.45%
show 1.30%
remain 1.22%
go 1.18%
vary 0.41%
每页显示:    共 50