1.   I got some phone numbers out of the Salvation Army yesterday.

2.   It seems like researchers have just pulled the numbers out of thin air.

3.   Ray picks a number out of thin air -- generally below wholesale -- and the deal is done.

4.   As if anybody could screw up an event that amounts to pulling numbers out of a hat.

5.   Bayer officials are loath to divulge even that number out of security concerns.

6.   Consider the numbers out of England, where betting is legal and very much a part of the sporting culture.

7.   Getting numbers out of Williams is like asking for directions to the Petaluma off-ramp.

8.   He has too much to say and grows faint over the prospect of getting all of the thoughts and ideas and words and production numbers out of his head.

9.   I asked him if a slick, suave, grandfatherly guy named Jimmy still was writing numbers out of a back booth.

10.   However, in recent years this geographical relationship has been disrupted somewhat by the need to allocate numbers out of sequence as state populations changed.

n. + out_of >>共 1299
way 5.90%
money 2.07%
people 1.56%
ball 1.50%
troop 1.23%
child 1.07%
flight 0.87%
game 0.86%
most 0.83%
road 0.79%
number 0.12%
number + p. >>共 41
of 93.22%
in 1.34%
for 1.33%
on 0.98%
to 0.49%
from 0.43%
with 0.26%
at 0.25%
than 0.20%
by 0.20%
out_of 0.04%
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