1.   She listened to the bad news without any noticeable reaction.

2.   Fifteen-year-old Dan wears his emotions on his sleeve and has a noticeable allergic reaction to losing.

3.   Retin A has been widely used for this purpose, but it does cause some noticeable reactions.

4.   There was no noticeable reaction from investors, Von der Porten said.

a. + reaction >>共 932
immediate 12.12%
rapid 6.15%
allergic 5.16%
chemical 4.33%
initial 3.53%
public 3.45%
mixed 3.31%
first 3.11%
official 2.49%
negative 2.40%
noticeable 0.05%
noticeable + n. >>共 235
difference 10.02%
change 9.34%
effect 6.28%
improvement 3.74%
limp 3.57%
increase 3.23%
impact 2.38%
lack 1.87%
feature 1.70%
absence 1.53%
reaction 0.68%
每页显示:    共 4