1.   On the same site, the air to water scrubber is a successful first stage in the planned control of odour emissions and is making a noticeable impact.

2.   But Mrs. Dole did not have any noticeable political impact.

3.   Development lawyer Charles Miller said the agreement did not have a noticeable impact on how cities dealt with businesses regarding tax incentives.

4.   However, the lower scaffolding did not have a noticeable impact on the coverage.

5.   Industry sources say the transfer from Pfizer has had no noticeable impact on the market.

6.   Lenders already have boosted mortgage rates, with no noticeable impact on Bay Area home prices or demand.

7.   The imposition of the state of siege had no noticeable impact on activities in the capital on Monday.

8.   The recent addition of high-occupancy-vehicle lanes on the three Interstate highways converging in downtown Atlanta have had little noticeable impact.

9.   It had little noticeable impact on his position, which had improved to third two-thirds through the race after both the McLarens retired.

10.   Threats of war-crime inquiries, coupled with rhetorical flourishes from Washington, London and elsewhere, have had no noticeable impact.

a. + impact >>共 682
environmental 6.32%
negative 5.08%
economic 5.08%
immediate 4.18%
major 4.04%
significant 3.54%
potential 2.78%
big 2.56%
positive 2.41%
financial 1.85%
noticeable 0.19%
noticeable + n. >>共 235
difference 10.02%
change 9.34%
effect 6.28%
improvement 3.74%
limp 3.57%
increase 3.23%
impact 2.38%
lack 1.87%
feature 1.70%
absence 1.53%
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