1.   He minted coins and his patronage of continental missionary activity is a noticeable feature of his reign.

2.   The most noticeable feature is that there is still little or no evidence of multi-culturalism.

3.   The most noticeable feature of the past few Decades however, has been the increasing instability of economic life.

4.   The most noticeable feature of this session is that everybody is very anxious.

5.   Another noticeable feature on the new boat was a wing mast, similar to the kind seen on the New Zealand boats in the last competition.

6.   Granite Importers is also furnishing stone for what will surely be the most noticeable exterior feature.

7.   His ski-jump nose is still the most noticeable feature on his face.

8.   Her most noticeable features, though, are her lively eyes and a crooked-toothed smile she flashes often.

9.   The most noticeable feature of the elephant, or pachyderm, is its trunk.

10.   The penchant of aristocrats and patrons to have themselves painted in the guise of mythical or real figures from Ancient Greece and Rome is one noticeable feature.

a. + feature >>共 1272
new 7.89%
standard 1.93%
special 1.92%
main 1.81%
regular 1.72%
common 1.69%
facial 1.65%
important 1.51%
key 1.48%
animated 1.34%
noticeable 0.18%
noticeable + n. >>共 235
difference 10.02%
change 9.34%
effect 6.28%
improvement 3.74%
limp 3.57%
increase 3.23%
impact 2.38%
lack 1.87%
feature 1.70%
absence 1.53%
每页显示:    共 10