1.   Being solid wool merchants at heart, they are not sure what to make of an engine that runs on paper.

2.   Eventually he would turn away, either because he accepted my pretense or because he was not sure it was one.

3.   Experts are not sure what is causing the recent rash of mountain lion sightings.

4.   He swallowed the first mouthful, and then examined what was left as if he was not sure what it contained.

5.   He wanted to be considered for Junior management positions but his company was not sure of his ability to make this step.

6.   I am not sure how they reconciled that situation, since the Methodists were very much against alcoholic drink.

7.   I am not sure if any time is saved by taking this route, but it is much more interesting.

8.   I am not sure this group will do direct lobbying.

9.   I knew he now realized this was serious, but I was not sure I had got through to him how serious.

10.   If you are not sure whether you will be entitled to benefit, remember that you have nothing to lose by applying.

d. + sure >>共 118
not 49.01%
so 14.53%
quite 7.06%
less 2.91%
pretty 2.37%
only 2.06%
even 1.83%
almost 1.73%
absolutely 1.55%
really 1.21%
not + a. >>共 760
clear 8.66%
all 5.89%
available 4.58%
guilty 2.19%
enough 2.18%
alone 1.96%
sure 1.95%
likely 1.91%
every 1.47%
easy 1.34%
每页显示:    共 1891