1.   But each time it was a sudden sortie and took Trondur by surprise so he was not ready to spear them.

2.   Even so, Wickham was not ready to shut the door on the possibility.

3.   He was not ready to go just yet.

4.   No, he was not ready yet to face the defeat.

5.   She asked him to teach her the trick, but he said that she was not ready yet.

6.   Still, Elgaen is not ready to call it quits.

7.   The BeBox is not ready for the masses.

8.   The United States is not ready to hear these messages.

9.   The zero-emission care is not ready for mass production.

10.   This evolution of Diamond Rio signals that the group is not ready to rest on its laurels -- at least not voluntarily.

d. + ready >>共 179
not 39.76%
yet 6.85%
now 5.18%
always 3.93%
quite 3.71%
also 3.07%
almost 2.46%
finally 2.43%
more_than 2.34%
more 2.11%
not + a. >>共 760
clear 8.66%
all 5.89%
available 4.58%
guilty 2.19%
enough 2.18%
alone 1.96%
sure 1.95%
likely 1.91%
every 1.47%
easy 1.34%
ready 1.27%
每页显示:    共 1236