1.   About six months ago, researchers also reported that Lidocaine nose drops can help abort a migraine attack.

2.   He said it was too early to recommend lidocaine nose drops for treating migraines because larger studies were needed.

3.   Inside heavy boxes is everything from penicillin to nose drops in tamper-proof containers.

4.   Next the volunteers were given nose drops containing one of two cold viruses.

5.   Nose drops or sprays may actually be better at protecting against diseases that attack the respiratory system than are vaccines given as shots in the arm, said King.

6.   Peterson never uses nose drops.

7.   Researchers also took samples of their blood, then gave volunteers either nose drops containing one of five viruses known to cause respiratory infections or harmless salt water drops.

8.   You can buy ySnore, the anti-snoring nose drops at Eckerd.

9.   Eastern Europe Inc. of New York is marketing Y-SNORE, a Chinese anti-snoring nose drop made by with ginger root and yams.

10.   Enemies ambushed his cars, sent jet fighters after his plane, put acid in his nose drops, tried to poison his food and shelled his palace.

n. + drop >>共 401
price 10.32%
air 6.33%
eye 4.20%
food 3.16%
market 3.03%
one-day 2.41%
pin 1.93%
blood 1.86%
penalty 1.72%
surprise 1.51%
nose 0.83%
nose + n. >>共 98
tackle 19.56%
dive 13.78%
guard 13.61%
ring 12.59%
surgery 4.42%
bleed 3.40%
hair 2.72%
operation 2.38%
drop 2.04%
gear 1.70%
每页显示:    共 12