1.   The normality judgment task has an additional purpose.

2.   The normality judgment task was included to provide such a measure.

3.   The other likely source for the differences in ratings is that subjects interpreted the normality task differently in the two situations.

4.   It was hoped that the normality rating task would assist in deciding which stimuli were inconsistent with the schema previously held.

n. + task >>共 202
herculean 6.82%
maintenance 3.15%
judgment 2.89%
day 2.62%
management 2.10%
cleanup 1.57%
security 1.57%
year 1.57%
police 1.57%
business 1.57%
normality 1.57%
normality + n. >>共 4
task 60.00%
rating 20.00%
mask 10.00%
return 10.00%
每页显示:    共 6