1.   Amplified vibration can reinforce the normal rhythm of speech and can greatly assist forming the right habits.

2.   The potential to develop normal rhythms is present in us all and is part of our genetic make-up.

3.   The tiny device shocks the heart into normal rhythm when it beats too fast.

4.   Reflectiveness should be seen as natural and part of the normal rhythm of daily life.

5.   And the defibrillator can shock the heart back to a normal rhythm if it suddenly beats too fast and chaotically.

6.   At this time of the year, interleague play just mucks up all the normal rhythms of a pennant race, whatever is left of that institution.

7.   Atrial fibrillation occurs when the upper chambers of the heart quiver or beat ineffectively, instead of in a normal rhythm.

8.   Bird wrote that, at one point, Pacers cardiologist King Yee used defibrillator paddles to jolt his heart back to a normal rhythm.

9.   A defibrillators shocks a heart that is beating too fast back into a normal rhythm.

10.   A defibrillator can then be used to diagnose the nature of the irregularity, and the heart can be shocked into a normal rhythm.

a. + rhythm >>共 497
normal 5.93%
natural 2.22%
good 1.95%
offensive 1.85%
african 1.85%
daily 1.85%
latin 1.85%
different 1.48%
steady 1.30%
proper 1.11%
normal + n. >>共 1752
life 6.25%
level 2.52%
trade 2.32%
circumstance 2.29%
relation 1.88%
time 1.84%
operation 1.83%
procedure 1.31%
activity 1.30%
condition 1.29%
rhythm 0.66%
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