1.   Both men will be nominated for membership on the supervisory board.

2.   A man is nominated for an important government job, more on the strength of his politics than his merits.

3.   But are Texas Democrats ready to nominate a man who has become a key cog in the Bush campaign?

4.   Republicans nominated a man who had voted against a ban on assault weapons.

5.   The time was ripe for a Republican victory if the Republicans nominated the right man.

6.   The two men were nominated as mediators by Wolfgang Clement, economics minister for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, who has also been involved.

7.   The White House had already nominated a man.

8.   The two men had been nominated by Premier Li Peng.

9.   Both men were nominated by their respective communities and elected unanimously.

v. + man >>共 638
arrest 8.70%
kill 7.52%
see 2.91%
identify 2.48%
shoot 2.47%
charge 2.34%
take 2.21%
detain 1.80%
injure 1.30%
find 1.26%
nominate 0.04%
nominate + n. >>共 209
candidate 19.06%
member 5.49%
film 3.55%
successor 2.91%
woman 2.10%
leader 1.94%
movie 1.62%
director 1.62%
president 1.62%
replacement 1.45%
man 1.45%
每页显示:    共 9