1.   It was unusual that someone should be taking a ride on a stormy night like this.

2.   What brings you here on a night like this?

3.   Sex blazed in the night like a beacon guiding a traveller to a city of delight.

4.   Do they go out every night like?

5.   Along comes a night like tonight, when all I want is one, sick, narcissistic rendezvous with a Winston Light.

6.   And on a night like Sunday night, it has a buzz.

7.   And on a night like last night, it has a buzz.

8.   And then there are nights like Saturday, when he darts to the puck like a predatory fish before whipping it into the net to claim a game.

9.   And then there are nights like Wednesday night, when the Chicago Bulls come to town.

10.   And then, briefly, there was Roscoe, who turned up last week, crying in the night like a baby.

n. + like >>共 1236
company 3.47%
people 2.77%
place 2.11%
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player 1.18%
look 1.13%
group 1.08%
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night 0.15%
night + p. >>共 86
in 28.47%
at 11.47%
for 10.59%
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before 3.65%
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a 2.35%
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