1.   And with potatoes that are also roasted until they turn a nice golden brown on the outside while remaining tender on the inside.

2.   Cottonwood is a nice brown, easily adapted to a number of designs, which often are accented by burning desired areas darker.

3.   Put in a buttered dish or pan and bake to nice brown.

4.   They landed several nice browns and Wildason took a bruiser that he said measured from the ground to just above his knee.

a. + brown >>共 160
golden 36.15%
dark 11.54%
light 6.62%
reddish 3.38%
chocolate 2.46%
deep 2.31%
rich 2.31%
dull 1.38%
pale 1.23%
big 1.08%
nice 0.62%
nice + n. >>共 1522
guy 5.15%
thing 4.67%
touch 3.29%
job 1.99%
place 1.78%
man 1.67%
day 1.62%
people 1.38%
play 1.26%
way 1.16%
brown 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4