1.   Claudia sank down on to her bed and tried to shut her ears to the sound of him in the next room.

2.   Eventually she could play in the next room with you calling out to her or checking on her every now and then.

3.   From the next room came the sound of laughter.

4.   From the next room came the thwack of darts and a louder hubbub of voices.

5.   From the other side of the wall, she could hear the low muffled sounds of the television in the next room.

6.   I could hear a furious argument going on in the next room.

7.   I could hear angry voices in the next room.

8.   I could hear raised voices in the next room.

9.   I could hear Sarah and Andy talking in the next room.

10.   I could hear someone sobbing in the next room.

a. + room >>共 1271
small 4.32%
meeting 3.33%
same 3.33%
private 2.79%
next 2.32%
hearing 1.99%
large 1.96%
separate 1.76%
single 1.65%
training 1.64%
next + n. >>共 480
day 13.91%
season 7.53%
year 7.08%
week 5.00%
month 3.96%
step 3.33%
morning 2.83%
time 2.73%
spring 2.11%
round 2.03%
room 0.31%
每页显示:    共 194