1.   His next question totally knocked me for a loop.

2.   The next obvious question concerns the reasonableness of such a range of conditions.

3.   The next question is - do all these adverbial expressions function in the same way?

4.   The next question is the tenacity of a trust in the event of insolvency.

5.   The next question is whether such action is taken in relation to the grant or refusal to grant a further loan.

6.   The next question is, what type of training routine do you use to increase pulse rate?

7.   What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question.

8.   She saw my next question coming.

9.   Bridget feared the next question, but it never came.

10.   Students should therefore be encouraged to debate the issues before moving on to the next question.

a. + question >>共 706
big 4.26%
same 3.23%
only 2.90%
key 2.56%
unanswered 2.40%
real 1.98%
important 1.94%
serious 1.90%
first 1.87%
tough 1.68%
next 1.00%
next + n. >>共 480
day 13.91%
season 7.53%
year 7.08%
week 5.00%
month 3.96%
step 3.33%
morning 2.83%
time 2.73%
spring 2.11%
round 2.03%
question 0.24%
每页显示:    共 154