1.   How can the newspapers print all these lies about her?

2.   The newspaper printed a detailed account of the trial.

3.   The newspaper printed his speech more or less word for word.

4.   Newspapers print notices of marriages and deaths.

5.   An angry Rider later was overheard making a denigrating comment about Jackson -- and Rider was further incensed when newspapers printed it.

6.   And yet almost every daily newspaper prints an astrology column, and few people can resist seeing what the stars have in store.

7.   A Capitol Hill newspaper printed but then retracted a story that DeLay had accepted more honoraria than allowed by law.

8.   A local newspaper may print listings of Internet user group meetings.

9.   Across America these days, newspapers print stark little boxes to summarize George Brett.

10.   But do Moscow newspapers yet print rubles-off coupons?

n. + print >>共 223
newspaper 21.58%
paper 5.82%
government 4.32%
company 3.38%
user 2.44%
magazine 2.06%
bank 1.50%
printer 1.50%
publisher 1.50%
paw 1.13%
newspaper + v. >>共 429
say 31.61%
report 24.99%
quote 3.93%
be 3.13%
publish 2.61%
carry 1.54%
have 1.27%
run 1.06%
give 1.04%
speculate 0.84%
print 0.72%
每页显示:    共 114