1.   Check professional journals, local newspaper employment pages and register with good recruitment agencies-check these on the Internet.

2.   The print on the burning newspaper pages glowed for a moment before turning to ash.

3.   Yellowed newspaper pages blew down its streets in the monsoon wind.

4.   The Copydesk facility allows the user to input text in various forms on to the screen and thus create a true newspaper page.

5.   At the same time, the format has shrunk from days of yore, when the strip commanded a full-size newspaper page.

6.   Being selective about messages is a staple of newspaper opinion pages and paid non-commercial advertisements, Souter said.

7.   Bolick is the front man, giving speeches, writing articles for newspaper opinion pages and doing the bulk of the interviews.

8.   By the time my computer crashed, I was already longing for a simple newspaper page.

9.   Cars, radios and airplane ads filled newspaper pages.

10.   Consumers who once clipped snapshots onto letters now routinely incorporate their pictures into faux newspaper pages, onto thank-you cards and invitations, and into family newsletters.

n. + page >>共 351
sport 12.55%
newspaper 7.15%
news 3.75%
business 3.75%
ad 2.79%
index 2.09%
opinion 1.92%
comic 1.48%
start 1.39%
society 1.39%
newspaper + n. >>共 594
report 18.62%
article 5.75%
editor 5.15%
ad 3.82%
interview 3.66%
reporter 3.60%
columnist 3.10%
column 2.94%
story 2.60%
publisher 2.59%
page 1.08%
每页显示:    共 82