1.   Human travel agents, paper guidebooks and newspaper ads still have a lot going for them.

2.   Newspaper ads can be helpful in finding the lender with the most favourable interest rates.

3.   The bipartisan Concord Coalition, a Washington-based interest group on budget balancing issues, has run newspaper ads against the Dole plan.

4.   Write a classified newspaper ad, or post a note on a computer bulletin board, offering to give the computer away.

5.   The rest of the band, recruited from a newspaper ad, also blended in well with some nifty guitar work from Debbie Smith.

6.   And he routinely publicizes his ability to secure a high seven figure line of credit from banks in newspaper ads.

7.   And in recent weeks, the company has run newspaper ads it previously shunned and enlisted some additional employment agencies.

8.   And on Monday, Sun Healthcare Group Inc. sued a health-care employees union, saying it ran newspaper ads defaming the company.

9.   And it echoed the charge in a full-page newspaper ad.

10.   And the chance to kill Apaches, although that was never overtly stated in the fliers and newspaper ads promoting the expedition around the country.

n. + ad >>共 431
television 17.45%
newspaper 11.78%
campaign 6.80%
radio 6.40%
attack 6.36%
banner 4.74%
issue 4.13%
tobacco 2.55%
cigarette 2.51%
liquor 1.17%
newspaper + n. >>共 594
report 18.62%
article 5.75%
editor 5.15%
ad 3.82%
interview 3.66%
reporter 3.60%
columnist 3.10%
column 2.94%
story 2.60%
publisher 2.59%
每页显示:    共 289