1.   Among other things, the news further sours the prospects that Fiat will find a buyer for its parts unit, which it is eager to unload.

2.   Kansas City and Chicago wheat futures prices finished lower Wednesday as export news soured.

3.   These stocks usually fall when the economic news sours, which it began to do several weeks ago.

4.   But traders said sentiment was also soured by news of disappointing results from Swedish telecoms giant Ericsson and US rival Lucent.

n. + sour >>共 171
relation 13.80%
relationship 7.86%
economy 5.10%
dispute 4.88%
investor 2.76%
thing 2.55%
mood 2.34%
experience 2.12%
market 1.70%
marriage 1.49%
news 0.85%
news + v. >>共 512
be 43.54%
come 8.30%
break 2.65%
report 1.84%
send 1.71%
spread 1.33%
show 1.31%
have 1.14%
help 0.98%
get 0.96%
sour 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4