1.   Also included are new tail lights and, on some versions, color-keyed body side moldings.

2.   The bacteria use their new tails to race to the cell wall, where they break out into a neighboring cell to repeat the cycle.

3.   The dumb bombs are fitted with a new tail section that contains an inertial navigational system and a GPS guidance control unit.

4.   The new tail, the group said, has a completely different shape, structure, and position from the dust and plasma tails of Hale-Bopp.

5.   Want to get a new tail light for your Benz?

a. + tail >>共 258
long 11.00%
black 3.34%
bushy 2.75%
vertical 2.36%
red 2.16%
short 2.16%
white 2.16%
forked 1.77%
wagging 1.57%
longer 1.38%
new 0.98%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
tail 0%
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