1.   The vapour might condense and fall on the slopes as a new sort of lubricant snow.

2.   This new sort of avant-garde promotes, not heterodoxy and modernist autonomization, but orthodoxy and dis-autonomization.

3.   Harold M. Ickes has survived some of the bitterest Democratic Party wars of the last quarter century, but he recently passed a new sort of milestone.

4.   He nodded when his wife tried to define what drives the new sort of war the nation is facing.

5.   His former boss, Chris Rossi of Citron, proposes they build a new sort of restaurant together.

6.   Is this new production merely a cabaret curiosity or the beginnings of a more or less new sort of theater emerging from below Houston Street?

7.   Is she a new sort of German nationalist, one raised without the burden of shame carried by many western Germans?

8.   It recognized immediately that America is involved in a new sort of war that will demand sustained effort and not just a spectacular display of firepower.

9.   It looks like a new sort of war, and so far only America seems likely to possess all the means of waging it.

10.   Martin got off a plane this morning from Las Vegas, where he was advising a casino interested in creating a new sort of circus extravaganza.

a. + sort >>共 536
same 21.34%
different 17.89%
right 2.43%
new 1.82%
worst 1.62%
odd 1.28%
similar 1.08%
wrong 0.95%
strange 0.88%
a 0.68%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
sort 0%
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