1.   Actually, leaving port had brought a new rush of energy.

2.   But a new rush for black gold still is a long way off.

3.   I had a new rush seat applied, and while it looks good, it is very light in color, nothing like the brown the old rush was.

4.   Instead, the new rush to smaller companies has the bulls feeling more bullish and the bears entertaining a lot of second thoughts.

5.   New tent camps are making a white and green mosaic across the spring countryside here in anticipation of a new rush of exiles.

6.   This is the new rush.

7.   This new rush of Chilean wines attracted outside capital and technology, moving the quality bar for Chilean wine a few notches higher with each vintage.

8.   While Coleman said she wanted a strong drug-testing program, she feared that a new rush to catch athletes might result in a sort of athletic McCarthyism.

9.   The new suffixes could also begin a new Internet land rush, with speculators and trademark holders competing to claim the best names first.

10.   There was a new rush for US dollars, gold and basic food supplies.

a. + rush >>共 345
sudden 6.13%
mad 5.39%
headlong 4.53%
late 2.33%
evening 2.21%
initial 1.96%
big 1.96%
such 1.72%
great 1.35%
current 1.35%
new 1.23%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
rush 0%
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