1.   But there was, they said, an awareness of a new stage in the fighting, and of the potential for both casualties and new deployments.

2.   Congress has mandated an exit strategy for any new Bosnia deployment.

3.   Despite the vote Friday, the new deployment inspired worries that the new policy carried increasing risks.

4.   Military officials said that the Pentagon has recently issued new deployment orders to unspecified units.

5.   Senator Charles S. Robb, a member of the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, said the new deployments were necessary to accomplish that goal.

6.   That is why, this and other officials said, the new deployments included the heavier bombers and strike aircraft.

7.   The new American deployments reflect a gradual but marked change in the American military posture in the gulf region.

8.   They acknowledged that only small numbers of American troops could be transferred to mainland Japan, given the costs and the political unpopularity of new deployments.

9.   While NATO weighs the new deployment, officials said the United States was negotiating with Russia on concessions that would allow Milosevic to keep some forces in Kosovo.

10.   While the administration clearly sought to play up the new military deployments, Berger stressed that Clinton is still hopeful the crisis can be resolved through diplomacy.

a. + deployment >>共 272
military 9.04%
rapid 8.87%
possible 4.14%
full 3.38%
first 2.62%
new 2.36%
overseas 2.20%
american 1.60%
russian 1.60%
planned 1.60%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
deployment 0.01%
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