1.   Above the nervous chatter that continued once the corporal had left, Charlie could hear the last post being played on a bugle from the castle battlements.

2.   There was nervous chatter in the elevator, and gallows small talk.

3.   A nervous chatter was audible.

4.   A nervous chatter was audible in the background.

a. + chatter >>共 137
idle 7.92%
constant 5.42%
cocktail 3.33%
inane 2.50%
mindless 2.50%
usual 2.50%
friendly 2.08%
nonstop 2.08%
party 2.08%
endless 1.67%
nervous 1.67%
nervous + n. >>共 550
investor 6.36%
energy 3.86%
wreck 3.12%
laughter 2.74%
moment 1.87%
market 1.81%
disorder 1.56%
laugh 1.50%
tic 1.43%
time 1.37%
chatter 0.25%
每页显示:    共 4