1.   Ameritech Inc. has bought big chunks of the Belgian and Danish phone companies, which are themselves going after customers in neighboring countries.

2.   Analysts also expect Bundesbank rate policy to support efforts toward a European common currency by providing an anchor for interest rates in neighboring European Union countries.

3.   Afghans have no great love for central authority, but breaking ranks to join neighboring countries does not seem to be considered an alternative.

4.   But he said that U.S. officials believed there was only a remote chance that Iraq would attack neighboring countries in response to any attack.

5.   Hundreds of thousands of refugees from Kosovo poured into neighboring countries.

6.   In contrast to the leaders of many neighboring countries, Iraq in particular, Hussein avoided piling mistake upon mistake.

7.   In each case, neighboring countries, rather than former colonial powers or international bodies, have taken a stand against anarchy and begun to turn the tide.

8.   Many shun head coverings, and some younger women dress in a provocative Western style that would be seen as scandalous or even illegal in most neighboring countries.

9.   Most foreigners were reportedly headed to neighboring countries.

10.   Now neighboring countries Brazil and Chile are making efforts to reduce their dependence on less efficient, dirtier-burning fuels.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
neighbor 0.42%
neighbor + n. >>共 68
country 22.47%
state 17.41%
province 12.34%
district 6.01%
island 4.43%
nation 2.85%
ally 2.22%
village 2.22%
town 1.90%
republic 1.58%
每页显示:    共 71