1.   Rank-and-file members of Congress who back one of the three bipartisan plans are negotiating to unite on a single alternative to more extensive health care reforms.

2.   The three have been negotiating to unite behind one of them.

3.   They have been negotiating to unite against both Yeltsin and Zyuganov, but it remains unclear whether they can reach such an agreement.

4.   They have been negotiating to unite behind one of them against both Yeltsin and Zyuganov, but it remains unclear whether they can reach such an agreement.

v. + unite >>共 156
be 21.50%
say 11.76%
have 8.32%
go 2.64%
win 2.43%
take 1.83%
come 1.62%
do 1.62%
work 1.62%
lose 1.42%
negotiate 0.81%
negotiate + v. >>共 148
buy 17.30%
sell 9.11%
acquire 3.46%
get 3.46%
join 2.91%
take 2.55%
build 2.19%
settle 2.00%
have 1.82%
bring 1.82%
unite 0.73%
每页显示:    共 4