1.   Before the case was even heard by the local appeals board, the assessor offered to negotiate a reduction in the assessment, Grabow said.

2.   After the Dayton accords were signed, the Muslims, Croats, and Serbs also negotiated a reduction in Serbian arms.

3.   But the conductors are also striking to make sure that the workweek reductions are negotiated seriously.

4.   Deane said the price-cuts are possible because Telecom has negotiated cost reductions with the international phone companies involved.

5.   If you have a popular car, use that leverage to negotiate a reduction in add-on costs.

6.   Notably he calls for a more concerted effort to negotiate additional reductions in Russian nuclear and conventional forces and to guard against potential nuclear black markets and terrorism.

7.   That is why Washington is helping Moscow dismantle its nuclear arms and why it needs to begin now to negotiate further reductions.

8.   This week, the governor of Okinawa, formally requested that the Japanese government negotiate a reduction in the number of American troops there.

9.   After that, further reductions would be negotiated and the list of restricted countries could be expanded.

10.   Bush and Powell also are likely to tell Ivanov the administration wants to negotiate reductions in offensive nuclear arsenals, long a Russian goal.

v. + reduction >>共 323
include 7.40%
make 5.57%
achieve 3.61%
announce 3.21%
expect 2.29%
see 2.18%
seek 2.12%
demand 1.84%
negotiate 1.66%
mean 1.66%
negotiate + n. >>共 655
agreement 8.19%
settlement 7.09%
contract 6.22%
deal 5.82%
end 4.62%
release 3.61%
peace 2.88%
price 2.53%
cease-fire 1.90%
compromise 1.86%
reduction 0.51%
每页显示:    共 29