1.   Can a negative number have a square root?

2.   Do you know how to multiply negative numbers?

3.   This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as Decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra.

4.   What happens if you multiply a postive number by a negative number?

5.   The only predictable error is that the user will try a negative number.

6.   In practice, it would be better to test for a negative number before using SQR rather than trap the --ve root error.

7.   This function converts negative numbers into positive ones.

8.   If you attempt to calculate the square root of a negative number, a -ve root error will occur.

9.   I mean you could have a negative number to the minus eight.

10.   Then you get negative numbers, then you get fractions.

a. + number >>共 430
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negative + n. >>共 671
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