1.   Needle punctures should be avoided when possible, since they provoke inflammatory skin lesions.

2.   Ordinarily, getting the answer would have required a series of large needle punctures and a tissue analysis that would take one or two days.

3.   Rutan suffered cactus needle punctures to his face and body from his landing, and still has a sore ankle.

4.   Vials of vaccine are now made as single doses, requiring only one needle puncture, so that no preservatives need to be used.

n. + puncture >>共 11
needle 25.00%
tire 18.75%
bicycle 6.25%
cactus 6.25%
chest 6.25%
heart 6.25%
help 6.25%
hull 6.25%
nail 6.25%
pencil 6.25%
needle + n. >>共 115
exchange 26.73%
program 13.81%
mark 4.80%
stick 3.90%
biopsy 2.40%
tip 2.10%
injection 1.50%
aspiration 1.20%
injury 1.20%
puncture 1.20%
每页显示:    共 4