1.   Certainly, more science teachers would be needed, yet even if that were possible where on earth would they teach their pupils?

2.   We urgently need more teachers for without them our work will not spread or even maintain its present level.

3.   And now more than ever, the nation needs teachers.

4.   According to one story, Archbishop John Carroll of Baltimore, the first American bishop, badly needed teachers.

5.   Brookmyer and Dubin then decide how many teachers will be needed.

6.   But to do that, you need a teacher, which De La Hoya now has.

7.   But, because this is your first, you need a teacher who can answer your questions and check to make sure you understand the techniques being taught.

8.   Children need human teachers, not video screens.

9.   Do you need a teacher?

v. + teacher >>共 528
hire 6.30%
train 4.25%
have 2.71%
include 2.24%
kill 2.19%
find 2.10%
pay 2.05%
recruit 1.63%
say 1.59%
fire 1.45%
need 1.12%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
teacher 0.10%
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