1.   In the past, these have included listings for human organs, babies and Nazi artifacts.

2.   Officials for both companies say the rules were in response to complaints that auction services were making money from Nazi memorabilia and from reproductions of Nazi artifacts.

3.   Additionally, an expert in Nazi artifacts, A. Lerman of New York City, has certified the paperweight as being authentic.

4.   Additionally, an expert in Nazi artifacts, A. Lerman of New York, has certified the paperweight as being authentic.

5.   Yahoo! Inc. said it will stop carrying online auctions of Nazi artifacts and other hate-related materials.

6.   Yahoo! Inc. will stop carrying online auctions of Nazi artifacts and other hate-related materials after some users complained that such items promote hate and violence.

a. + artifact >>共 278
ancient 7.60%
historical 5.88%
cultural 4.88%
indian 3.59%
religious 2.58%
historic 2.15%
titanic 1.72%
stolen 1.72%
american_indian 1.58%
important 1.58%
nazi 0.86%
nazi + n. >>共 501
death 7.07%
occupation 5.23%
era 4.47%
gold 3.69%
victim 2.87%
regime 2.66%
atrocity 2.54%
symbol 2.24%
persecution 2.03%
propaganda 1.81%
artifact 0.18%
每页显示:    共 6