1.   A workaholic nature gave Wilson the impetus to push his quest for scientific truth from one frontier to another.

2.   But nature soon gives way to culture.

3.   I begin by disproving the dubious assumption that humans are by nature given to bouts of financial euphoria that drive stock prices up to unreasonable levels.

4.   Implants will let us live longer and improve the equipment that nature gave us.

5.   In some quarters outside the bank, though, his matter-of-fact nature has given him a reputation for being cold and uncaring.

6.   It cannot be done by using the mere hands nature gave us.

7.   Nature gives the infants a grace period during which their only duties are to eat, sleep, make muscle and bone, then eat and sleep some more.

8.   Nature did not give them fangs, claws or other defenses against predators, so at the slightest danger, they bound away.

9.   Nature gives food and shelter to wild animals, then death when they are old or sick, and we must do the same for our domesticated pets.

10.   Nature has also given the California wine industry cause for concern.

n. + give >>共 1240
government 2.60%
official 2.49%
report 1.96%
company 1.46%
law 1.37%
police 1.14%
doctor 1.00%
deal 0.95%
victory 0.94%
authority 0.92%
nature 0.04%
nature + v. >>共 303
be 25.05%
take 7.12%
have 5.22%
make 3.42%
do 2.37%
provide 1.61%
call 1.52%
create 1.42%
give 1.33%
seem 1.33%
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