1.   But if nature equipped the coyote to survive, people have opened the door for it to prevail.

2.   Meanwhile, Ms. Silverstone has the chance to play the consummate tease, a role for which she has been ideally equipped by nature.

3.   Nature equips the bug with a unique method for finding its meal.

4.   Nature has equipped you with the instinct to realize threats and the ability to protect yourself from them.

n. + equip >>共 159
come 11.61%
came 3.37%
plane 2.62%
helicopter 2.25%
company 2.25%
destroyer 1.87%
police 1.87%
nature 1.50%
unit 1.50%
computer 1.50%
nature + v. >>共 303
be 25.05%
take 7.12%
have 5.22%
make 3.42%
do 2.37%
provide 1.61%
call 1.52%
create 1.42%
give 1.33%
seem 1.33%
equip 0.38%
每页显示:    共 4