1.   Only rarely are nature documentaries not complicit in exploiting the natural world for our delectation.

2.   You could spend nearly the whole day watching nothing but nature documentaries, and if you did you would emerge exhausted.

3.   As in most nature documentaries, the pace can be a little slow.

4.   At times the movie feels like a nature documentary about some exotic species of bird, in which the females display all the bright plumage.

5.   In fact, if the field of nature documentaries were structured like the Mafia, Attenborough would be the capo di tutti capo.

6.   Lewis sometimes seems spiritually akin to the predators in the rear-projected nature documentaries that reveal the Knoxes twisted psyches.

7.   Nature documentaries about the mating habits of penguins or the stalking strategies of tigers mix comedy and tragedy, awe and ridicule.

8.   Our game was like one of those nature documentaries, or maybe a slow day on C-Span. Really slow.

9.   Players take on the persona of a research assistant for a nature documentary, sent to Africa to study animal behavior and collect video.

10.   Several years ago, a scientist named a newly found spider after the actor Harrison Ford, in gratitude to him for narrating a nature documentary.

n. + documentary >>共 75
television 45.62%
nature 5.11%
one-hour 3.65%
two-hour 3.28%
making-of 2.19%
film 2.19%
six-hour 2.19%
music 1.82%
news 1.46%
radio 1.46%
nature + n. >>共 178
reserve 21.13%
preserve 9.45%
lover 6.56%
walk 5.91%
center 3.41%
conservation 2.76%
hike 2.76%
park 2.49%
documentary 1.84%
photography 1.84%
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