1.   Nature blesses, haunts and terrorizes Inverness.

2.   While nature had blessed this area for centuries, the civil war kept the cruisers away for years.

3.   Nature has blessed her with many things.

4.   My experience reveals that Pulau Payar is blessed by nature, and teems with fish.

n. + bless >>共 68
priest 10.53%
church 5.26%
chaplain 3.51%
clergy 3.51%
nature 3.51%
pope 3.51%
fortune 2.63%
congregation 2.63%
opportunity 2.63%
patriarch 2.63%
nature + v. >>共 303
be 25.05%
take 7.12%
have 5.22%
make 3.42%
do 2.37%
provide 1.61%
call 1.52%
create 1.42%
give 1.33%
seem 1.33%
bless 0.38%
每页显示:    共 4