1.   After an election day marred by violence, officials imposed a nationwide curfew Wednesday night that is scheduled to end this morning.

2.   This month, President Sylvestre Ntibantunganya ordered a nationwide curfew, media censorship, reform of the army and other tough measures in an effort to contain the violence.

3.   Panic swept Sri Lanka as a radio station reported Monday that the government has imposed a nationwide curfew.

4.   A call for mass protests in February prompted authorities to send the army on the streets to impose a daylong nationwide curfew.

5.   Borders could be sealed, a nationwide curfew imposed and demonstrations banned.

6.   Borders could be sealed, a nationwide curfew imposed, and demonstrations banned.

7.   But nightly shootings continue despite a nationwide curfew.

8.   Despite a nationwide curfew, other residents spent their nights outdoors, atop patches of land where their homes once stood, to protect anything that might remain below.

9.   Police, meanwhile, lift a nationwide curfew imposed to curb post-election violence.

10.   Police, meanwhile, lifted a nationwide curfew imposed to curb post-election violence.

a. + curfew >>共 112
nighttime 12.42%
indefinite 10.22%
overnight 9.82%
strict 6.21%
nightly 4.61%
nationwide 3.61%
round-the-clock 2.61%
military 2.61%
new 2.40%
israeli 2.20%
nationwide + n. >>共 1216
strike 7.69%
protest 3.21%
campaign 2.67%
network 2.32%
search 2.10%
election 1.77%
manhunt 1.62%
television 1.62%
crackdown 1.52%
poll 1.01%
curfew 0.30%
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