1.   Early this month, in his state of the nation speech, Mandela named companies to be sold or reorganized.

2.   Fox acknowledged some of his own challenges on Saturday when he delivered his first state of the nation speech.

3.   News conferences draw like a state of the nation speech.

4.   The education reforms were first outlined by President Eduardo Frei during a state of the nation speech at the formal opening of parliament yesterday.

5.   Yeltsin already has made tax reform a priority for his government, focusing on it in his state of the nation speech.

6.   Bonn, Germany -- State of the nation speech in Bundestag.

7.   Megawati delivers first state of the nation speech.

8.   On Tuesday, when he presents his annual state of the nation speech, it may also be his biggest headache.

9.   When he makes his first state of the nation speech as president Saturday evening, Fox may face angry fallout from the high hopes built by that victory.

10.   He has delayed the state of the nation speech several times since January, apparently waiting for some military progress in Chechnya, western diplomats said.

n. + speech >>共 294
acceptance 17.47%
stump 9.37%
campaign 6.91%
policy 5.13%
victory 5.13%
concession 4.11%
convention 3.22%
hate 2.33%
farewell 1.95%
commencement 1.78%
nation 0.89%
nation + n. >>共 286
status 14.85%
address 6.53%
building 4.73%
speech 3.43%
tour 2.28%
move 1.47%
summit 1.47%
access 0.98%
remains 0.98%
close 0.82%
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