1.   Each day, they were tested for signs of the virus in their nasal secretions and observed for cold symptoms like runny nose and congestion.

2.   Headaches, facial pain and fever are less common in chronic sinusitis, but nasal congestion and unpleasant nasal secretions usually persist.

3.   SORE NOSE AND LIPS Irritation caused by nasal secretions and aggravated by nose blowing can be eased by a light application of petroleum jelly or an emollient lotion.

4.   The scientists speculate that the virus is spread by nasal secretions or saliva.

5.   They tried to inoculate the cultures with nasal secretions from people who had colds, but before they could, the cultures began to fall apart.

6.   Transmission is most likely to occur through nasal secretions, rather than skin contact.

7.   With a cold, the nasal secretions may start as a clear, watery liquid but become thick and often yellow.

8.   It is spread through contact with nasal secretions and feces.

a. + secretion >>共 67
acid 33.96%
gastric 21.39%
pancreatic 4.55%
fluid 3.48%
basal 3.21%
nasal 2.14%
bodily 1.87%
net 1.87%
vaginal 1.87%
increased 1.60%
nasal + n. >>共 102
spray 19.56%
passage 16.64%
swab 10.42%
congestion 5.12%
cavity 3.29%
strip 3.11%
decongestant 2.56%
discharge 2.38%
surgery 2.38%
voice 1.83%
secretion 1.46%
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