1.   Normal tonsil and inflamed nasal polyps were used as positive controls for class II major histocompatibility complex and interferon-gamma staining respectively.

2.   Allergies can also set the stage for more serious health problems, including asthma, sinus infections, nasal polyps and, especially in young children, ear infections.

3.   Finally, there is surgery to remove enlarged tonsils or adenoids or nasal polyps.

4.   Snoring also may result from upper-respiratory infections, nasal polyps, nasal allergies or exposure to irritants that cause congestion or obstruct nasal breathing.

5.   When nasal allergies are ignored, possible consequences include sinusitis, ear infections, nasal polyps and a worsening of asthma.

6.   Djoko also said the association would help finance surgery as soon as possible for Erwin, who is suffering from a nasal polyp.

a. + polyp >>共 38
adenomatous 20.79%
precancerous 8.91%
colonic 7.92%
nasal 5.94%
benign 5.94%
small 4.95%
coral 4.95%
cancerous 3.96%
colorectal 2.97%
intestinal 1.98%
nasal + n. >>共 102
spray 19.56%
passage 16.64%
swab 10.42%
congestion 5.12%
cavity 3.29%
strip 3.11%
decongestant 2.56%
discharge 2.38%
surgery 2.38%
voice 1.83%
polyp 1.10%
每页显示:    共 6