1.   Long used for asthma, it is only recently available over the counter in nasal inhalers for allergies.

2.   Baxter is expected to contend that his positive test was an innocent mistake resulting from the use of a nasal decongestant inhaler.

3.   Baxter tested positive for methamphetamine, a banned stimulant which was contained in an over-the-counter nasal inhaler he was taking for a stuffed nose.

4.   He contended the positive test was an innocent mistake resulting from the use of an over-the-counter nasal inhaler to clear up a head cold.

5.   He said he had had to remove advertisements for Thai vitamins, nasal inhalers, toothpaste and mosquito repellant coils from the magazine.

6.   He is expected to argue that his positive test was an innocent mistake resulting from the use of an over-the-counter nasal decongestant inhaler to help clear a head cold.

7.   He was expected to argue that his positive test was an innocent mistake resulting from the use of an over-the-counter nasal decongestant inhaler to help clear a head cold.

8.   Other alternatives to injections being investigated include nasal inhalers, mouth sprays, patches with mini-needles, implantable insulin pumps and transplants of cells that make insulin.

a. + inhaler >>共 32
nasal 13.56%
new 8.47%
over-the-counter 8.47%
steroid 6.78%
decongestant 5.08%
hand-held 5.08%
simple 5.08%
defective 3.39%
different 3.39%
plastic 3.39%
nasal + n. >>共 102
spray 19.56%
passage 16.64%
swab 10.42%
congestion 5.12%
cavity 3.29%
strip 3.11%
decongestant 2.56%
discharge 2.38%
surgery 2.38%
voice 1.83%
inhaler 1.46%
每页显示:    共 8