1.   After scribing use a jig saw or scroll saw with a narrow blade to trim the edge of the panel along the profile line drawn on the plywood.

2.   For delicate scroll work with narrow curves and tight corners, use a narrow scrolling blade.

3.   Slikas favors the Chesapeake stabber, a knife with a bulbous wooden or plastic handle and a relatively long, narrow blade.

4.   Switch to a keyhole saw and push the narrow blade under the overlap to finish the cut.

a. + blade >>共 242
metal 13.32%
sharp 5.63%
long 2.44%
dull 2.44%
new 1.88%
curved 1.88%
rotating 1.88%
cutting 1.69%
rotary 1.50%
slicing 1.50%
narrow 0.75%
narrow + n. >>共 894
range 9.80%
street 6.66%
road 3.49%
margin 3.44%
band 2.68%
victory 2.42%
majority 2.42%
corridor 2.02%
strip 1.90%
alley 1.83%
blade 0.07%
每页显示:    共 4