1.   And it would require the administration to report to Congress twice each year on the progress in meeting mutual goals such as curbing narcotics production, trafficking and demand.

2.   At first, the Taliban was taxing poppy cultivation and charging fees for narcotics production, American officials say.

3.   Gelbard said it has undermined efforts by Colombian prosecutors and police to shut down narcotics production and curb illicit drug flows to the United States.

4.   Helping Colombia to reduce its narcotics production is an American interest.

5.   Narcotics production has grown substantially in recent years.

6.   Now he is saying to skeptical governments that most narcotics production can be eliminated more cheaply than most people think.

7.   The U.N. report links the increase in narcotics production in Afghanistan with the economic, political and social collapse caused by decades of civil war.

8.   To date, other countries heavily involved in narcotics production and trafficking but with important ties to the United States have not been decertified.

9.   But Pastrana urged the United States also to drop trade barriers to Colombian products, which would generate employment here and give Colombians an alternative to narcotics production.

10.   He also accused the Taliban of supporting narcotics production and terrorism.

n. + production >>共 875
oil 9.78%
food 5.54%
world 2.42%
energy 2.36%
film 2.15%
drug 1.87%
television 1.79%
gas 1.57%
opium 1.51%
steel 1.41%
narcotic 0.30%
narcotic + n. >>共 155
trade 10.25%
officer 6.93%
trafficker 6.35%
agent 4.91%
official 3.75%
police 3.17%
detective 2.89%
charge 2.31%
production 2.16%
smuggler 2.02%
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