1.   Had I not known, I would have thought I was eating a wine sauce with some mystery ingredient, perhaps rabbit liver.

2.   In each, two chefs are pitted against each other to construct an entire menu based on a single mystery ingredient revealed to them only at showtime.

3.   Now, we know that the missing mystery ingredient in our lives was Kmart.

4.   There had to be a way to make it simple without opening up a packet full of mystery ingredients.

n. + ingredient >>共 158
food 9.70%
marinade 8.71%
sauce 5.72%
salad 5.47%
biotech 3.73%
quality 3.23%
bomb 2.49%
sarin 1.74%
cigarette 1.24%
glaze 1.24%
mystery 1.00%
mystery + n. >>共 224
writer 9.97%
novel 8.68%
man 8.42%
shopper 4.02%
story 3.63%
illness 2.33%
woman 2.33%
series 2.07%
virus 1.68%
guest 1.68%
ingredient 0.52%
每页显示:    共 4