1.   Clean mushrooms by rubbing with a damp towel or mushroom brush, and chop coarsely.

2.   McLaughlin finds specially designed mushroom brushes too harsh, and recommends just brushing with a damp or dry cloth.

3.   But the basic tools for patching a Rembrandt etching would be a blender, an eyedropper and a plastic mushroom brush.

4.   Then a mushroom brush is used to push the fibers toward the edge of the hole, so they can bind with the original fibers.

a. + brush >>共 291
broad 5.21%
first 4.67%
same 3.20%
small 3.07%
soft 3.07%
thick 2.94%
close 2.27%
stiff 1.87%
dry 1.74%
clear 1.74%
mushroom 0.53%
mushroom + n. >>共 146
cloud 20.47%
mixture 8.19%
soup 6.82%
cap 4.87%
sauce 4.29%
grower 1.75%
stem 1.75%
liquid 1.56%
picker 1.56%
slice 1.56%
brush 0.78%
每页显示:    共 4