1.   Six years earlier, the museum had exhibited the same seventy-five pieces, loaned by the trustee and benefactor.

2.   From April through September the museum is exhibiting historical relics from Xinjiang Province.

3.   If the museum exhibits offer visitors a chance to see how the Chumash lived, the outdoors offers a glimpse of where they lived.

4.   It is common for museums to exhibit privately owned collections, less common for them to take money from collectors for doing so.

5.   It will allow the museum to exhibit its surprisingly rich permanent collection of European Old Masters and contemporary regional works, as well as present temporary shows.

6.   The museum exhibits art from just about every culture, and the Egyptian collection and displays of African tribal art are world-class.

7.   This museum consistently exhibits contemporary work, which is great, but it is still in search of an effective way to present it.

8.   To avoid conflicts of interest, some museums do not exhibit private collections unless they have been promised to the museum.

9.   The tax-supported NEH funds museum exhibits, TV and radio programs and other research into the humanities.

n. + exhibit >>共 270
patient 4.66%
company 2.45%
artist 2.21%
museum 2.21%
economy 1.96%
child 1.96%
system 1.72%
gallery 1.47%
man 1.23%
market 1.23%
museum + v. >>共 530
be 19.69%
have 9.50%
open 2.01%
plan 1.72%
say 1.61%
offer 1.35%
display 1.17%
do 1.02%
receive 0.99%
make 0.84%
exhibit 0.33%
每页显示:    共 9