1.   Some park museum directors complain about the lack of priority given their Marketing, maintenance and operational needs.

2.   The museum directors and critics did not name any abstract expressionist, let alone Pollock.

3.   An informal survey of museum directors, curators and academics -- the primary audience of art magazines -- suggested that Sokolowski is not alone.

4.   And like all museum directors, Borg has to struggle with fund- raising.

5.   Anne Spivey Woodward, a museum director and former administrator of Brandywine Battlefield Park in Pennsylvania, died Tuesday at Chester County Hospital in West Chester, Pa.

6.   Art dealer, on the difficulty of hiring museum directors.

7.   As curators and museum directors well know, wooing does work, when it is well done.

8.   Around Texas, museum directors were wary.

9.   As museum executive director Winston Dong explained, that means toilet paper, towel threads, magazines, writing paper, pencils, pens and magic markers.

10.   Asked to be both scholars and carnival barkers, many museum directors complain.

n. + director >>共 743
deputy 9.94%
music 4.65%
film 3.80%
communication 2.60%
finance 2.35%
personnel 2.16%
company 2.08%
research 2.05%
museum 1.90%
tournament 1.86%
museum + n. >>共 434
official 13.60%
director 7.67%
curator 4.39%
exhibit 2.60%
exhibition 2.41%
show 2.07%
collection 1.98%
shop 1.88%
visitor 1.74%
staff 1.49%
每页显示:    共 158